So, I've been very kindly lent a top floor flat in an historic building. The flat is fully furnished, including kitchen implements. Although in retrospect these did seem remarkably shiny, polished, and, well, new.
Last night, after less than 48 hours in this borrowed flat, I managed to set off the smoke alarm in the kitchen, when frying some delicious (and expensive) saussies from Wholefoods. Except that it turned out to be impossible to open any of the historic windows in the historic building, plus the historic building was completely wired for fire the smoke detector set off a full scale alarm of flashing lights and sirens throughout the building. The lovely, and extremely efficient, guys from the fire department presented themselves, fully togged up with breathing apparatus & a fire engine, within 3 minutes of the offending sausages making their presence in town known. The also lovely and extremely efficient building guardian arrived two minutes later, disturbed in the middle of his dinner which was not sausages.
All were disappointed that there weren't enough sausages to go round.
There's no photo on this post as I was far too embarassed to bother anyone further. But thank you guys!
It turns out I'm the first person to actually cook in the borrowed flat since this newfangled fire prevention business was installed.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the new-girl-in-town-firealarm-doozie. Works every time.